Steve Chandler

Souvenir: Photographs of Bath 1986 - 1990
I moved to Bath from London in 1985 and became serious about photography after some darkroom courses at the Watershed in Bristol. I soon began working for listings magazine 'Venue,' and taking on freelance jobs like weddings, band promos etc. I also began developing/printing my own work in my basement flat’s makeshift darkroom, which eventually became a printing/processing service called Blow-Up.
With the daily crowds of visitors photographing the city’s beauty, even outside my own front door! I set out to find the grit and reality of life for working class people of the city. This became my personal project for next few years, which I saw this as an antidote to the genteel tourist image of Bath.
The quotes below are taken from members of the facebook group ‘Born and Bred or live in the City of Bath’ where I shared some of these photographs in 2021. All of the quotes are from people that have a personal connection with specific images.
My sister's kiddies.
That’s me and my youngest.
My nan used to live in Kingsmead West flats.
Thank you for uploading these pictures, some faces I recognise from my childhood!
We were there in 1990 we lived 2and floor right by coach park then when they renewed them we moved down the bottom.
The flats bring back memories lived there in the 80s with my Nan and Grandad James next to Mrs Reed.
Did you know a Doreen Flannigan? I think she lived at 28.
Great photos are used to go to the flats my friend lived their Kay Boswell.
I would like to see inside 1 again, we left there 65 years ago. Kingsmead East no 8, first floor. Happy memories of rounders in the yard and playing in Green Park.
I grew up down there the Tadds lived on the east happy childhood growing up down there.
We lived at 16 Kingsmead east top floor.
I think the stone doorway may be, or on the opposite side.
Does anyone remember the Harwood family? I’m sure they lived in one of them.
Yes, they did. I still see some of them I used to get about with Leslie, but she died a long time ago.
I remember it well our family lived ground floor East 1980s no’s 19, I think.
Did u have sisters Delia and sylvia?
oh yes lol and brother Rob they all live in Whiteway now .I live in London.
What a shit hole back in the day they should of been pulled down long ago I live in Rosewell court.
Yes you’re right but It was an awful place back in the mid-late 70s.
I lived at Kingsmead flat then I recognise some of the people Josie and Paddy McGee and I think the man on his own on the sofa is Paddy O’Connor.
Paddy lived next door to this man. Can u remember bill and eve in no4. That’s who this is. I’m his grandson. I remember playing footy on back green with you, your brother Lennard, the Blacketts, Gordons, Tony Locke etc.
Yes, I remember them they lived under the Scottish family next door to me I recognise Mrs Welsh Karl and there is mum in the photos as well great days.
I lived 7 kings mead east for a few years in the late 70’s to the mid 80’s it was great, good mates Brian Yeo Jason Renwick & the Gordon’s bless um!! We were little sods!!
All the tar broken glass barbed wire was to stop us climbing over into T Davis. I remember the sheds and the power station at the ends of the flats.
Some great pictures Steve I was born and brought up in Kingsmead flat some really great times.
Anyone remember a Polish family there? The daughter was called Andrea I think, surname was something like Cochinski?
Thank you for sharing. Brings back lots of memories. My nan and grandad lived in 25 Kingsmead west (second floor) for years, i used to spend so much time there. Their names were Doreen and Peter Flannigan, daughters were Ann, Mary, and Joan.
When the flats were converted, my nan was moved to ground floor of the east, then after conversion back to ground of the west, or Watermead Close as they named it.
There were definitely lovely people in those flats.
Names I remember, Mrs cousins, Phil Williams (ex-boxer), Mrs read, George (24 Kingsmead West).
I've just worked out you must be my 3rd cousin. Doreen is my great aunt. Her sister Evelyn is my nan.
3 aunties lived there Dolly , Peggy,and joan.
I lived here in the 80s.
I worked there to get more money so I could get married and then left when I was due to have my first Child. I remember losing my wedding ring about a month after getting married and they had everyone in the factory looking out for it and they even took me home to see if I lost it there. It was found on a tray of boots I had been working on.
Christine Sutton
Around ‘86-‘87. They moved in on NYE ‘85.
That's amazing - my Dad used to take me there for a mil shake as a treat occasionally. thank you. I'm sure I recognise the counter and layout but no idea of the cafe's name. Too young!
Where did that pic come from mate as that is me and my mate Luke at Kingsmead flats long time ago.
The boy on the right looks like Luke. I don’t remember his last name.
He lived on the top floor of Kingsmead West.
Sparkes owned the greasy spoon cafe there. They were also baron landlords turning one room in a house into 4 bedsits. The old man was the worst, he would just let himself into any of the rooms without even knocking.
Looks like Guildhall cafe to me! That narrow bench on the right in photo is still there. Now I’m craving their double egg and chips!